Welcome to The Big Reveal
Expanding our notions of what a dance performance can be,
The Big Reveal is a convening that weaves physicality with original songs and interactive learning sessions,
bringing into focus human migration, living history and belonging.
Join us for the the world premiere of Fog Beast’s new work, The Big Reveal. Performances will be Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, with additional interactive learning sessions with world class facilitators throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday.
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
200 Larkin St San Francisco, CA 94102
The Big Reveal is commissioned by Dancers’ Group and co-presented by The Asian Art Museum.
Online registration is closed. Walk ups will be available.
For more information please email bigrevealsf@gmail.com
Saturday and Sunday Schedule
Scroll down for detailed session descriptions
10:30 AM Registration open throughout the day
11:00 - 11:15 AM Welcome Ceremony and Orientation
11:30 AM - 11:50 PM Other Ways of Knowing: Bakla and the Wisdom of Language with Wailana Simcock
12:00 - 12:30 PM The Slow Reveal - An interactive talk with climate scientist Dr. Andrew Jones
2:00 - 2:20 PM Reorienting: Rest and Recuperative Techniques for Busy Bodies with Janine Trinidad
2:30 - 3:00 PM Time Management: Stepping and Body Percussion Workshop with Antwan Davis
3:30 - 4:30 PM The Big Reveal: Plenary Session and Performance
Big Reveal Session Descriptions
Opening Ceremony and Orientation in the North Court
Performance and participation intermingle to create an opening. A moment of aligning to ourselves, each other and the space. Come get oriented.
Thursday 6:30pm
Saturday 11:00am
Sunday 11:00am
photo by Jessica Swanson
Other Ways of Knowing - Bakla and the Wisdom of Language
with Wailana Simcock
Indigenous wisdom is a rich resource that we need now in contemporary time. Language holds a key to understanding how a culture or group of people see and understand the world. It is a physical action that can transmit cultural wisdom through our bodyminds. In addition to unspoken body languages, this workshop will engage Tagolog, Hawaiian and English to reframe concepts of sexuality, gender, ancestry and belonging.
Thursday 6:45pm
Saturday 11:30am
Sunday 11:30am
Wailana Simcock was born in the Philippines and raised in Hawaii. He first lived in the SF Bay Area in the mid 90’s as a dancer and in 2016 returned to SF after receiving his MFA in Dance from UH Manoa. He has since been working with Joe Goode Performance Group, Bandaloop, Fog Beast, Kambara + Dancers, and Steamroller.
The Slow Reveal - An Interactive Talk with Climate Scientist Dr. Andrew Jones
We live in a time of accelerating change. What will the climate of California look like in 30 years? 50 years? 80 years? We will reflect on our present day response to migration as we look to a future in which increasingly extreme weather events lead to social instability and forced mobility.
Saturday 12pm
Sunday 12pm
Dr. Andrew Jones is deputy director of the Climate Readiness Institute and a research scientist in the Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where he leads the Earth Systems and Society Program Domain.
photo by Jessica Swanson
Reorienting - Rest and Recuperative Techniques for Busy Bodies
with Janine Trinidad
What role does rest and recuperation have in sustaining our health and productivity? Does an overworked pace of life hinder our ability to be present and available to ourselves? This session reveals a moment of not-doing, of allowing the world to be as it is and getting the rest we need. **Special thanks to Satori Yoga.
Saturday 2:00
Sunday 2:00
Janine Trinidad is a performance and healing artist based in San Francisco. She is currently a faculty member on the Lines Ballet Training Program and teaches yoga extensively throughout the city, primarily in the Lotus Flow, Yin and Restorative styles. Her collaborations include Joe Goode Performance Group, Ballet Bernasconi - Mudita Arts for Peace, Epiphany Dance Theater, Smith/Wymore Disappearing Acts, Alternative, Steamroller and Project Agora.
photo by Hans Holtan
Time Management - A Stepping and Body Percussion Workshop
with Antwan Davis
This 20 minute beginner/intermediate Stepping and Body percussion class features elements of Greek collegiate stepping and stomp style body percussion. By the end of the class your body, mind and voice will be challenged in this very interactive workshop!
Saturday 2:30
Sunday 2:30
Antwan Davis is a stepper and body percussionist for the last 15 years. He has worked internationally and nationally with Stomp, Step Africa, and co-founded Molodi, a Las Vegas based dance company. He is currently working with Destiny Arts as a teacher and choreographer.
Plenary Session
The day culminates in a world premier of The Big Reveal. Come with us as we find our way up the corporate elevator and down the roots of our ancestral tree at the same time.
Thursday 7:30pm
Saturday 3:30pm
Sunday 3:30pm
Artistic Direction and Performance: Melecio Estrella and Andrew Ward
Musical Direction and Performance: Ben Juodvalkis
Creation and Performance: Katie Faulkner, Danny Nguyen, Melissa Lewis, Wailana Simcock, Janine Trinidad and Patricia West
Dramaturgy and Choreographic Counsel: Damara Ganley